Girls' Day Elektromobilität

Girl’s Day @ Helmer Net

Do you enjoy e-mobility and technology? We are looking for girl power for the future.

On November 17, 2021, it’s that time again :). A day especially for you, where you can explore our training programs and career opportunities and test your skills. You will gain insights into our company and learn about various training and study programs. Exchange ideas with our trainees and students in the future fields of electromobility, safety technology and industrial automation. We have been one of the most modern electrical companies in southern Germany for more than 30 years and are leaders in some areas. But the most important thing for you is that our employees are our most important asset. If you want to bring in your own ideas and imagination in a passionate company, then you will get your chance with us. By the way, we are already climate neutral, sustainability & environmental protection play a very important role in our constantly growing company. Convince yourselves! We invite all “girls” interested in technical professions who are about to graduate from high school to visit us at our headquarters in Kaufering on November 17. With us, you will acquire competencies and skills that are important for the working world of tomorrow from the very first day.

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