Hold-open systems can be used to make fire doors in your building barrier-free. Like a door check, they hold doors open. In an emergency, they close fire doors automatically and safely. Fire doors equipped with a corresponding door closer are held open electrically. They remain open until they are closed either manually or (in the event of a fire) by the smoke switch being triggered. For preventive fire protection, GEZE offers complete hold-open systems from a single source.
Helmer Net – your specialist for consulting, planning and implementation of modern hold-open systems according to DIN 14677.
Helmer Net
Certified quality
DIN 14677 Maintenance of electrically controlled hold-open systems for fire and smoke protection closures. This standard is intended to standardize the maintenance of hold-open systems and thus provide a basis for operators and maintenance personnel for the maintenance of hold-open systems for fire and/or smoke protection closures. The implementation of maintenance measures in accordance with the specifications of this standard ensures that hold-open systems with documented acceptance testing maintain their operational readiness throughout their entire service life when used and operated as intended.
Efficient hold-open systems - planning, delivery, installation and maintenance
We offer you all services from a single source – talk to us.